On Sunday October 31, 2021, at three o’clock in the afternoon, The Raleigh (NC) Chapter of the Links, Incorporated honored breast cancer survivors by sponsoring “Links in Pink: Survivors Sharing their Stories”. This memorable event provided a platform for members of the Links, Incorporated who are breast cancer survivors to share their journeys and experiences with breast cancer diagnosis, treatment, as well as the emotional impact of receiving the initial diagnosis. We held a Bells of Remembrance Ceremony which honored those courageous individuals who lost the battle to breast cancer. In addition, we were joined by the area president of Sisters Network, Incorporated, Ms. Portia Hedgepeth, who also shared her story and provided community resources for preventive care and resources for those diagnosed with breast cancer. Our conversations were poignant, informative and insightful. In partnership with the Wilson-Rocky Mount -Tarboro (NC), Durham (NC) Wilmington (NC) Fayetteville (NC) Triangle Park (NC) and Lake Gaston (NC) Chapters of the Links, Incorporated, we honored our survivors by sharing some of their stories.
This program was presented by our Health & Human Services Facet under the leadership of co-chairs, Drs. Monica Rose and Candice Arrick and other members of this facet. Our moderator for this unique program was Ms. Dominique Brown, who is also a member of the Health & Human Services Facet. Dr. Persharon Dixon, a member of the Daytona Beach (FL) Chapter and our Southern Area Health & Human Services Chairperson, offered greetings on behalf of the southern Area of the Links, Incorporated. Chapter President, Brenda M. Lewis, said “Links in Pink is one of our national initiatives and we are delighted to offer this program to do our part in bringing awareness to this dreadful disease. African American women have a 31% breast cancer mortality rate – the highest of any U.S. racial or ethnic group. We continue to stress the fact that early detection is important and saves lives.”